Andrew Cyrille
Reggie Workman
Oliver Lake


Andrew Cyrille: Drums
Reggie Workman: Bass
Oliver Lake: Saxophone

Intakt CD 282 / 2017

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1. Bumper (Oliver Lake) 5:39
2. Bonu (Oliver Lake) 6:07
3. Composite (Cyrille, Lake, Workman) 6:39
4. Epic Man (Andrew Cyrille) 7:47
5. Stick (Oliver Lake) 4:55
6. A Girl Named Rainbow (Ornette Coleman) 6:59
7. 7 for Max (Andrew Cyrille) 2:50
8. Visiting Texture (Reggie Workman) 10:41

Oliver Lake: Talkin’ Stick Music (SESAC), Reggie Workman: Sculptured Sounds Pub (BMI), Andrew Cyrille: Major-A-Music Pub (ASCAP). Recorded July 21, 22, 2016, at Studio Peter Karl, Brooklyn, NY, by Peter Karl.
Mixed by Oliver Lake, Andrew Cyrille, Reggie Workman and Peter Karl.
Cover art: Oliver Lake. Graphic design: Jonas Schoder. Photos: John Rogers. Liner notes: Nate Chinen.
Produced by Intakt Records, Patrik Landolt and Rosmarie A. Meier.


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Photos: John Rogers


„Visiting Texture“ ist das erste Studio-Album des Trio 3 mit Oliver Lake, Reggie Workman und Andrew Cyrille seit der exzellenten Aufnahme „Time Being“ vor mehr als einem Jahrzehnt. In den zwischenliegenden Jahren arbeitete Trio 3 mit einigen der grossen Jazzpianist/innen wie Geri Allen, Irène Schweizer, Vijay Iyer und Jason Moran. Dass die originale Triobesetzung ihren ganz speziellen Charakter hat, davon zeugt diese Aufnahme.

Die Wurzeln des musikalischen Spiels der drei Musiker reicht mehrere Dekaden zurück und liegen im Ideal der Kollektivität und Intuition. Das Motto lautete: Eine Band, bei der die Musik den Lead übernimmt.

„Improvisation hat zu einem grossen Teil ein Element der Überraschung“, sagt Andrew Cyrille. „Selbst wenn wir etwas Arrangiertes spielen, wollen wir es es so entzünden, dass sich etwas Magisches entwickelt.“


Among other things, Visiting Texture illustrates the principle of addition by subtraction. It’s the first studio album by Trio 3 as an actual trio – with Oliver Lake on alto saxophone, Reggie Workman on bass and Andrew Cyrille on drums – in more than a decade, since the excellent Time Being in 2006 (Intakt CD 106). The intervening years have seen the group work powerfully with some serious guest pianists: notably Geri Allen, Irène Schweizer, Vijay Iyer and Jason Moran. But there’s a specific character to the group’s trilateral rapport, which finds full expression here.
The working history among these musicians stretches back several decades, rooted in an ideal of collectivity and intuition: their motto has long been “a group where music is the leader.”

“Improvisation to a large degree is always having an element of surprise,” Cyrille reflects. “Even if we’re playing something that’s arranged, we want to spark it so that there’s always a certain magic happening as the music is being developed.” The entirety of Visiting Texture adheres to that conviction, bound by a spirit of real-time discovery.
Nat Chinen, from the CD liner notes.




Trio 3 + Vijay Iyer. Oliver Lake-Reggie Workman-Andrew Cyrille. Wiring.
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Trio 3 + Jason Moran. Refraction – Breakin' Glass
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Trio 3 + Geri Allen. Celebrating Mary Lou Williams
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Trio 3 + Geri Allen. At This Time.
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Trio 3 + Irène Schweizer. Berne Concert.
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Trio 3 . Time Being.
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To Andrew Cyrille. All Intakt CDs

To Reggie Workman. All Intakt CDs

To Oliver Lake. All Intakt CDs

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